In view of us being in another national lockdown, furloughing being extended to April 2021 and the likelihood of restrictions impacting our daily lives to continue way into 2021, we thought it was time to re-visit the HR advice we provided earlier in the year at the start of the first lockdown.As like many (us included), you are probably struggling to keep on top of the rollercoaster of changes that are among us and what choices you have available to you and your employees.We answer some of our most frequently asked questions relating to employees, including:What is my responsibility as an employer?Can I make my employees to have the vaccine?When should an employee self-isolate?What do I do if someone refuses to come into work?Do I have to pay employees who are self-isolating?Do I have to pay employees who are self-isolating after returning to the UK?Should I pay someone who is self-isolating to take care of a dependent with Coronavirus symptoms?What to do if an employee cannot come to work due to the closure of schools or nurseries?What do I do if I have no work available for my staff?If I lay off staff, do I have to pay them?Download your free copy below.DownloadCoronavirus HR Factsheet Your full name*Contact no.*Email address* Business nameOne last thing...*By ticking this box you agree to being contacted via email or phone by one of our Advisers, and for the information you provide us with to be kept securely for future communications in line with the new GDPR Yes, I agreeNameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. The factsheet is intended as a general guidance only. If you have any specific questions related to those discussed in the factsheet, please contact Donna Bygrave by calling 01474 853 856 or emailing posts of interest 19th March 2024Are you a Ronald or an Elton? Read more 19th March 2021No jab, no job – Can you force your employees to have... Read more 20th December 2022MTD for ITSA delayed for two more years Read more See more articles