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We have robust systems in place to not only ensure you are aware of all the filing deadlines that need to be met but that our services are carried out promptly, accurately and are communicated to you in layman’s language.
All our staff involved in our compliance services undertake regular professional training to ensure they have the right skills to carry out the wide range of issues your business will need us to deal with.
We prepare accounts for sole trades and partnerships, and statutory accounts for Limited Companies and Liability Partnerships.
As part of this service we ensure you claim the maximum amount of tax deductions available to you and make recommendations where we identify opportunities for other tax savings.
Our aim is to complete the preparation of draft accounts within 30 days of receiving all the information we require. Have a look at the steps we go through to complete this process:
Our Audit arm (A4G Audit) are a team of registered auditors who carry out statutory audits for those whose business’s require it. For some businesses it may be beneficial to have a statutory audit undertaken despite not being required to by Companies House. Benefits of this include reduced risk of fraud and improved funding from external lenders.
Additionally, we carry out the following audit and assurance services:
We assist businesses who want to check the accuracy of their financial information and reduce the risk of fraud
We provide assurance services where you have specific areas of your business that you would like to be reviewed
We can undertake due diligence work for business purchases and separations when required
We undertake the calculation of taxes due and prepare tax returns for partnerships, and Private Limited Companies (Ltd)
As part of our service we will also remind you of any tax payments that are becoming due and explain the reasons why your tax bill might be different from the previous year.
To see the full process we go through in preparing your accounts…
We can undertake a full weekly or monthly payroll service including:
If you currently manage your own payroll function, we can also assist you with any particular advice you need.
Find out more about our payroll service by heading to our Payroll website…
We can provide full company secretarial services or occasional specialist consultancy, including:
Our comprehensive annual tax service includes preparation of personal tax returns for a wide range of individuals including those who hold property or financial investments and those who reside outside the UK. Our service we will also remind you of any tax payments that are becoming due and deal with all correspondence from HM Revenue and Customs.
To see exactly how our Personal Tax Return Service works…
Our year end service is completed a few days after your year-end has passed and identifies improvements to the layout of your financial information, sets budgets for the coming year, produces comparison reports showing yearly trends as well as running the year-end on your computerised accounts package.
This service is aimed at helping remove some of the admin burden but also is a good time for us to make sure your bookkeeping and finance systems are working properly and make sure we get the right information to build the accounts and tax returns from. Our clients who use this service benefit from knowing we have checked things over with them thoroughly and prevent future surprises hiding in the figures.
Call us on (01474) 853856 and we will put you in contact with one of our advisers, or send us an enquiry by clicking below.
Fill in your details below and we’ll come back to as soon as we can! If your enquiry is urgent, please do give us a call.