We can provide an Independent Accountants Report (IAR) for your business to help obtain a grant, like the Innovate UK grant.Innovate UK is the UK’s national innovation agency. It is a public body funded by grant aid from the UK Government. Innovate UK supports business-led innovation in all sectors in the UK to help them develop their ideas by issuing grants to support with the costs.Once you have put forward your project details and it has been accepted, the next most important step to obtaining any grant is engaging with an Independent Accountant who will put together the Independent Accountants Report (IAR) – including annexes 5, 6 and 7 and Statement of Expenditure. Innovate UK state your Independent Accountant must be a registered auditor listed at the audit register.Innovate UK require your Independent Accountant to perform a reasonableness check on the expenses spent by your business to check it is in line with the terms of the grant. We will report our findings to Innovate UK.As the Independent Accountant we will review your accounting records and correspondence and obtain any information necessary to perform these checks.Innovate UK also require the Independent Accountant to:Test overheads included in the grant claimConfirm no other public funding has been obtainedCheck the amounts exclude VATConfirm the amounts do not include interest from hire purchase, contract hire or credit arrangementsEnsure that amounts claimed do not include any profit for the businessAt A4G Audit, we are registered auditors with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and are authorised to undertake statutory audits of all sizes. We have extensive experience in providing Independent Accountants’ Reports for various grants, including Innovate UK. To find out more about our IAR service and request a free quote, click the button below Find out more Find out more about our IAR service and request a free quote Your full name*Business nameEmail address* Contact no.*Is this your first grant?*YesNoWhat is the estimated project costs?*What is the deadline for submission?*Your messageOne last thing...*By ticking this box you agree to being contacted via email or phone by one of our Advisers, and for the information you provide us with to be kept securely for future communications in line with the new GDPR Yes, I agreeCAPTCHA Make a quick enquiryOther posts of interest 26th April 2017The story of A4G Managing Partner Marathon Read more 30th July 2021Let’s Get Down to Business podcast | Episode 3 out now! Read more 5th June 2020We’re all fast growth startups now Read more See more articles