At A4G, we are no strangers to the wide variety of projects undertaken by our clients, from the unusual to the unique, none more so than for a client we worked with recently who have taken a whole new approach to the world of pizza delivery.

Our client developed a first of its kind, bespoke pizza delivery vehicle, capable of driving to a given location or address, cooking pizzas on site and enabling packaging and swift delivery to ensure the quality and sustained warmth of the customers order.


The challenge that we faced in preparing this claim was differentiating between the different aspects of the project itself to maximise the value of the claim and to ensure that we were able to fully explain and support the claim in a way that was legible and made sense while still reflecting the full scope of the development process that had gone into this work.

To ensure that we met all the above challenges as best as we could, we maintained continuous contact with the client throughout the claims process, worked with them to break down the project into its various elements, those being the vehicle itself as well as the application to enable the ordering process to take place. From this communication and broken-down approach, we were able to formulate a concise and clear case file to support our clients claim in record time.


From our work in this case, we were able to obtain a tax credit for our client of over £30,000.00

A4G can help you inject cash into your business

If your company is looking to achieve the same results as this client, get in touch now. We offer a free discovery meeting where we will assess your claim before we get started.

A4G has a proven track record of helping clients claim for and maximise the value of their R&D claims and we’d like to help you do the same. We have been submitting R&D claims since 2014, having saved our clients over £5 million in R&D tax savings.

Read more about our R&D service and how it works here.

Contact us today to find out how we can bring winning results to your next research-based project. 

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Josh Curties

BA (Hons) FCA

Partner & Principal Adviser

01474 853856

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