I’m sure we’re agreement that lockdown, staring at the same four walls and surroundings every day for weeks, was incredibly difficult and even the strongest of us may struggle in some way.With the rise in cases and a second wave and tighter restrictions on the horizon, it may be time to check in with your staff again.During our favourite part of our long days, which is on the phone supporting clients, several of them have mentioned their concerns for keeping in touch with their teams and their general welfare. With members of your team likely to be working from home or furloughed, they are missing out on the normal and necessary social interactions at work that are all part of what makes us human. As a business owner we want to be sure this situation isn’t affecting people in the wrong way which isn’t as easy to do remotely.Communication is key in promoting positivity so we’ve pulled together some ideas from Mind into a template, which we have shared with our staff and thought we’d send it onto you too.You can send this out to your staff as it is or adapt it to suit your business and your style. We don’t mind. You may also need to adjust this depending on whether your employees are working from home or have been furloughed. Either way, hopefully your staff will appreciate you keeping in touch and caring about their mental wellbeing. And hopefully you’ll all be back some time soon working together in a successful and profitable business!Download our template by filling in the form below.DownloadTaking care of the mental wellbeing of your team Your full name*Contact no.*Email address* Business nameOne last thing...*By ticking this box you agree to being contacted via email or phone by one of our Advisers, and for the information you provide us with to be kept securely for future communications in line with the new GDPR Yes, I agreePhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Other posts of interest 14th April 2023What is B-Corp Certification and how can we help Read more 4th January 2022Recovery Loan Scheme: Full details Read more 25th January 2017One of us, one of you, one of them Read more See more articles