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One of the few consolations from this traumatic year of highs and lows has been the opportunity to go rogue on our marketing once a week.
I hope you’ve enjoyed my weekly Thoughts from the weekend and the series of articles about Before and After Thinking over the past 6 weeks.
This weekend of course represents a significant cut-off point for businesses in the South-East. We’ve been through two months of lockdown followed by a gradual easing of restrictions.
And now here we are seemingly back at the start line but a lot wiser about what the next 6 months might hold as case numbers and hospital admissions start to rise again and we go into another national lockdown. Every month a new Pandemic normal.
So to hopefully entertain you in these challenging times but to also summarise much of what we’ve learnt in 2020, my amazing marketing team (well Ayse anyway) has put something a bit different together.
If you’ve got 5 minutes and 20 seconds to spare, click on the link below.