structural support beams for r&d claim


As a construction and restoration company, our client puts considerable time and resources into developing beams, columns and other structural support networks for listed buildings and heritage sites nationwide.


Off the back of this work, we sought to assist them in formulating an R&D claim in respect of their costs incurred while completing this developmental work. Using our tried and tested financial analysis system, coupled with a Technical case file that we drew up using the information provided by the client and our own extensive experience.


The challenge that was faced was identifying exactly what costs were incurred on each project from a staffing perspective. Our client makes use of subcontractors, therefore the costs allowable for R&D are not the same as with standard staffing costs. Additionally we had issue in obtaining a breakdown of subcontractors working per project.


To solve this problem we obtained day rates for each subcontractor and confirmed the number of days spent on each project thus providing us with a definitive figure to include within the client’s claim for staffing costs on a given project.

This also provided us a basis of cost to support these figures in the unlikely event of an enquiry from HMRC and as such reduced the clients overall risk.


From our work we were able to successfully submit a claim on our client’s behalf and obtain for them a tax refund to the value of £58,533!

Additionally, this case enabled us to streamline our system for dealing with subcontractor costs in respect of R&D for the subsequent year claims for our client and for the benefit of any other clients in a similar position.

A4G can help you inject cash into your business

If your company is looking to achieve the same results as this client, get in touch now. We offer a free discovery meeting where we will assess your claim before we get started.

A4G has a proven track record of helping clients claim for and maximise the value of their R&D claims and we’d like to help you do the same. We have been submitting R&D claims since 2014, having saved our clients over £5 million in R&D tax savings.

Read more about our R&D service and how it works here.

Contact us today to find out how we can bring winning results to your next research-based project. 

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Josh Curties

BA (Hons) FCA

Partner & Principal Adviser

01474 853856

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