If your company has a December year-end, the two year window to claim Research and Development (R&D) tax credits is about to close. You have until 31 December 2019 to claim for qualifying work you completed for the year end 31 December 2017.

R&D tax credits have the potential to transform your business by rewarding innovation and refuelling growth, so you really don’t want to miss out.

Are you eligible?

Business owners overlook opportunities to make a claim by often overestimating the level of innovation required or think it’s only for businesses in the Tech space – which isn’t true at all! Any business in any industry can be eligible for R&D, but you must:

  • Be a limited company in the UK that is subject to corporation tax
  • Have carried out a qualifying research and development project, i.e. worked to improve or create a product, service or process
  • Have spent money on the project

The project doesn’t even need to have been successful, and you can still claim if your business is in a loss-making position!

Don’t miss out – book your free discovery session today

If your business has a 31 December year-end, get in touch with our R&D team today. We will book you in for a free discovery session where we can assess the likelihood of making a successful claim and you can see just how easy it is to reward your innovation.


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