As Platinum Xero Partners, we specialise in turning information in Xero into meaningful information for you by designing bespoke reports and dashboards for the information that is most important to you.

Xero was designed with businesses in mind. It’s aim is to make your life as a business owner easier. But are you using Xero how it’s intended? Do you use it for invoicing? For chasing payments? Do you have a ‘pay it now’ button? Is your data accurate to aid decision making? Are you spending too much time on admin?

Setting up Xero efficiently and making use of its add-on tools can help you save your business valuable time and money. Especially in this economic climate when having accurate data and the time to work ‘on’ your business is crucial to whether you sink or swim…

Claim your free Xero Health Check

Why is a free Xero Health Check useful to me?

Discover below just some the benefits you and your business will gain from claiming your free health check:

  • Clear sight of profits
  • Expenses detailed by category to allow easy management
  • Know your numbers and potential tax bills in advance
  • Reduce stress by knowing your accurate financial position
  • Ability to make informed business decisions using data
  • Reducing cash tied up in debtors by clear tool for management
  • Easier access to financing due to up to date and accurate records
  • Pay the right amount of taxes, be it VAT, corporation tax, personal tax
  • Prevent an HMRC investigation due to poor quality records
  • Avoid getting fined for paying the incorrect tax
  • Significantly reduce time spent on accounting admin
  • Automate and streamline processes
  • Clear next steps to take to improve the records and software ecosystem

How do we do it?

Step 1- We’ll gain access to Xero and provide insight on where improvements could be made to get your business the information it needs
Step 2 – Highlight figures which affect your cash flow, profit and loss and balance sheet (including a review of debtors and creditors)
Step 3 – Review your VAT return to ensure free from error and reduce risk of HMRC inspections
Step 4 – Assess how the software is being used to automate the finance processes of the business
Step 5 – Provide a traffic light colour coded report identifying where improvements need to be made
Step 6 – Advise on the next steps to take to get your system correct and automate your finance processes to improve efficiency

Claim your Free Xero Health Check and Consultation

Claim your free Xero Health Check and improve your software’s accuracy and efficiency, saving you time and money. After all, Xero was designed with businesses in mind. To make your life easier and your business more efficient and profitable.

Don’t just use Xero like you would Sage. Get in touch to claim your free Xero Health Check and free 1 hour consultation by filling in the contact form below, or emailing 

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