Download Our Free 5-Minute Cash Flow Tool

Cash is always king, but January can often have the biggest impact on cashflow for many businesses, especially those with March year-end who’ve just paid out both personal and company tax bills off the back of a downturn from the Covid-19 pandemic. Never before has cashflow planning been such a vital requirement.

There’s only so much you can do as a business owner to encourage more business and therefore more cash inflow. But what you can do is learn how to understand and manage your cash flow effectively to prevent it getting worse. And by keeping a close eye on it you can make informed decisions.

The solution is having a cash flow forecast. Many businesses have forecasts for profit margins years ahead, but don’t get a cash flow forecast in place. With the majority of businesses having to increase their prices as we head into 2022, can you afford not to have a cashflow plan?

Skip the steps of creating your own cash flow overview by downloading our Free Five-Minute Cash Flow Tool by filling in the form above.

See exactly how much available cash you have and how much you ought to have.


5 Minute Cash Flow Forecast Tool

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What a cash flow forecast will tell you

A cash flow forecast is for looking into the future. It will help you predict how much money will be in the bank next week, next month, or even next year. That allows you to make better spending decisions.

Why use a cash flow forecast?

Benefits of using one:

  • Understand your cashflow cycle
  • Identify upcoming gaps in cash
  • Spot a cash surplus and manage this
  • Track your spending
  • Understand the impact of future plans and possible outcomes
  • Keep track of overdue payments
  • Early warning system for lending needs
  • Understand the difference between profit and cash flow
  • Stress less!

Using this cash flow forecast template

There is a step-by-step guide on the first page of the tool which takes you through how to enter your information and use the tool properly.

In short, you’ll enter upcoming costs and income to see when you might have surplus cash. This will give you an understanding of how much cash your business needs outside of your monthly trading cash flows.

If you are having any trouble using it or would like to arrange a chat about how we can help you with cash flow planning or anything else you may need our advice on, please arrange a meeting with one of our cash flow advisers by calling 01474 853 856 or emailing